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  • Online

Service Description

Foster positive classroom and school culture. During this two-day introductory online experience, you will learn fundamental theory and practices for engaging with students, staff and parents in your school setting. Topics include how to set high expectations while being supportive, how to provide direct feedback and ask questions that foster accountability, and the most effective methods to resolve common conflicts. You will also learn to facilitate circles, an essential process for creating a positive learning environment and school culture. Circles may be used to build social capital, resolve social problems and respond when harm occurs. Additionally, our instructors address many issues related to building relationships and community while teaching in-person or virtually during COVID-19. Concepts include how and when to have one-on-one conversations; the effective use of informal time as students gather; and setting norms for running virtual circles. Plus, participants will learn creative uses of tools, including breakout rooms, whiteboard, chatroom, and how to work with small groups while other students do individual work. Learning FormatThis online experience — tailored for teachers, administrators and other school staff — is led by an experienced Restorative Practices trainer: ✔ On two successive days, you will participate in 4.5-hour live Zoom sessions (breaks included). ✔ Prework includes readings, handouts, videos and other resources. There will be approximately two hours of prework for each day of synchronous instruction.

Upcoming Sessions

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